KBB ( Ear, Nose, and throat)
It is a branch of medicine related to diseases in the ear, nose, and throat areas.
Ear diseases are basically divided into the following titles.
- Hearing loss
- Acute and chronic ear inflammation
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- Facial paralysis and diseases of other important nerves in this area
- Pain of nervous origin
- All kinds of good and malignant tumors in the ear area
- Congenital deformities of the ear and external ear canal
Nasal diseases are basically classified as follows.
- Allergic cold
- Sinusitis
- Septum Deviation
- Konka growth
All kinds of good and malignant tumors in the nose and sinus area
Throat diseases are examined under the following headings.
* All kinds of inflammatory diseases and benign and malignant tumors in the lips, oral cavity and throat
* Treatment of snoring and sleep obstruction(apnea) disease
* Treatment of tonsillitis and nasal flesh diseases
* All kinds of inflammatory diseases and benign and malignant tumors located in the vocal cords (larynx) and pharynx
* Voice and speech disorders
* Diseases of the esophagus and swallowing disorders
* All types of inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands and good or malignant tumors diseases of the head and neck area
* All kinds of inflammatory diseases and benign and malignant tumors in the neck
* Diseases of vision, smell, hearing, balance, facial nerve and other major nerve and vascular structures in this region
* Facial trauma and fractures
* Facial deformities
* (Reconstructive) interventions to repair aesthetic and tissue losses